Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Redlynx Forum community competitions

           Community Competitions are go.

Custom Competitions...

                                                                               As i have stated before, the Redlynx forum plays a massive part in the day to day lives of  trials evolution players, that are true die hard fans of the game.Its due to the game including its own editor, to enable any player to build tracks.This is taken very seriously by the regular forum fans.Like with anything else that is constructive, it's done in a very  professional manner as it has been since the Trials H.D days.

Community comps' with details....

                                   Some members have got together and started up some really good building competitions.Its an effort to keep the more stronger and better track builders to keep building, and to produce their very best tracks for Track Central.This in turn is passed on to every player that has the game, and benefits everyone because it means they get to run on great tracks, rather than the bigger percentage of tracks that are released that are basic pile of rubbish.That is understandable though.Not everyone takes the game seriously, like a big group do.
                  All this said, my reason for this post is to promote the current, and active forum competitions that are running.There is a link below that will take you directly to the Redlynx forum that holds all the details of every competition, with rules and prizes.The prizes that are on offer, over 5 competitions, run into tens of thousands of M/S points,as well as 12 month gold memberships,custom joy-pads, tea-shirts and posters with custom Gamer-tags on them.If you think you are a good builder, then you have nothing to loose by entering..I myself have entered..Its to good not to be part of..Also, with all the tracks entered in the individual competitions, are being put on a video montage which i'm doing myself. Its a true meaning of team work and friendships all running side by side.

Follow this link for details.Good Luck.


Monday, February 25, 2013

RedLynx and Forums.

             RedLynx and the forum.

           I have played both Trials HD/EVO for the last 3 years, and have really enjoyed it to a point that i joined their forum. I've met loads of decent people, and many good friends through this place.

RedLynx unofficial Wallpaper.
             If you have played,Trials Evolution for a while now, and are really into the building, then the Redlynx Forum is the place for you.There are many useful topics on building,including google spreadsheets,documents etc on how to use the logic that comes with the editor.The forum is very well known through other forums for being so proffessional..Its also a very relaxed place where your totally entitled to your opinions without getting shot down for it,and can also speak your mind.The only rule,is you must Respect other members.All i can say now is that the link below is to the forum, and website..check it out.

Redlynx Forum Link

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Video editing and youtube

          Using all devices.

                                                                                               Well,iv'e got to say that i can certainly see the benefits of +Google if your a business person that uses these sites to advertise..iv'e actually monetised some videos on my youtube channel, just to see if its worth doing. 

                  In all fairness, you would have to really put alot of time into just them sites for a return..
So,iv'e always been interested in technology, in one way or another.We are in an ever changing world ,so we rely so much on our 'devices'.
I started doing my videos from an i-pod..Recorded my T.V. then used a video editing app called 'SPLICE'..i found it a really decent app for what it did..and it was free.. there is an example below of a recorded trials track from the i-pod, then immediately edited, then uploaded.. You can actually see my shaky hands.

After doing about 10 videos, using the i-pod, i then stumbled across windows live movie maker..I needed a programme like this as i don't have a capture card to record the footage i need..instead, iv'e got good friends through out the trials community that all have channels..They would record my tracks that i built, then i would just use a video converter to take the video from youtube, and put into my computers video library..i can then do what i want in terms of adding images etc...

Here is a video that i did using an i-pod only.I was so happy when i built this, because of the snow effect..

Trials custom track.The Works

                 A Custom Built Track.


Track name:- THE WORKS

                As you can see in the track, the driving Line is quite tough to hit right, but there's a sweet,perfect line there that just needs finding.I let the track down in terms of bad lighting..i should have used this better.When i set out building this track, my goal was to learn as much as i could in terms of O.P.Es and state events, etc from the editor. these are tools that enable animations to move.Similar to physics, but in the background.. i managed to do exactly that..All in all, the track was received well, and people enjoyed it due to the great feedback i got...In the forums though, you have to conduct yourself in a professional type manner. If you can take constructive critisism, then you'll do fine.If not, then don't ask for it.Its hard to hear at first, but once you get over your own ego, then all feedback is a positive.

Trials Evo Blog.




             I'm an older gamer. i'm 40 in a few days..i love to play game trials evolution.this is where the title comes from.I also have a youtube channel which is also a dedicated channel to trials..i like to video edit.As time goes on, i hope to give this blog page as much knowledge of the game as possible.Being an active trials evo forum member,there is always something to talk about.At the moment, other community members are offering tens of thousands of points, as well as other prizes, for track building and trials track racing alike.The community members that truely love Trials, are a real dedicated group of people that continue to bring the very best of tracks to track central for every one to play.
                 So, please follow this journey, and i hope i can give you enough to keep you interested in playing trials evolution.i will bring as much to this blog as i can.

my youtube videos