Sunday, February 24, 2013

Trials custom track.The Works

                 A Custom Built Track.


Track name:- THE WORKS

                As you can see in the track, the driving Line is quite tough to hit right, but there's a sweet,perfect line there that just needs finding.I let the track down in terms of bad lighting..i should have used this better.When i set out building this track, my goal was to learn as much as i could in terms of O.P.Es and state events, etc from the editor. these are tools that enable animations to move.Similar to physics, but in the background.. i managed to do exactly that..All in all, the track was received well, and people enjoyed it due to the great feedback i got...In the forums though, you have to conduct yourself in a professional type manner. If you can take constructive critisism, then you'll do fine.If not, then don't ask for it.Its hard to hear at first, but once you get over your own ego, then all feedback is a positive.

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