A Year Trialing
Its coming up to 1 year since trials was released. For me, this has brought me nothing but good things. I knew i would love the game, and so my year began.
In April of 2012 there was a real buzz in the Redlynx forums. The release of trials evolution was here.The follow up to the best arcade game title of trials HD, Evo was a totally different concept to its younger brother. This time, riders could ride outside in an open 3d world. We could do so much more in the editor too.Different tools to learn, different bikes to ride, etc..Such a gorgeous looking game too, with graphics and physics to match any other biking game available on console.
In April of 2012 there was a real buzz in the Redlynx forums. The release of trials evolution was here.The follow up to the best arcade game title of trials HD, Evo was a totally different concept to its younger brother. This time, riders could ride outside in an open 3d world. We could do so much more in the editor too.Different tools to learn, different bikes to ride, etc..Such a gorgeous looking game too, with graphics and physics to match any other biking game available on console.
The community that is trials were on a real high.The biggest feature in my opinion was the track building editor, and what it was capable of doing.Straight away, people were building mind blowing tracks that every one could play because of the track central.Track central was another anticipated feature that people were looking forward to, in abundance, and purely because you weren,t limited to just your friends lists custom tracks. At first, i totally found the editors tools very over whelming. I took it upon myself to dig in, and to make sure to get to now every inch of the editor. Still, a year on, i think im 90% knowledged as to what does what in the editor..There are still a few things i do not understand, but if i have to play and learn it in another years time, then that is what i will do.
Being a massive fan of the game, i joined the Redlynx community and quickly became a fan of there's too.I joined the forum 3 years ago, but its been the last 15 months that i have been using it on a daily basis.The people from the 'community' are very professional, and take the game really seriously.There are many numbers on there that will help you in the drop of a hat.I like to think that I am one of these people.If i can help, i will. With this sort of attitude, it has made the redlynx forum stand out from others.All members of the trials team offer whatever they can too.They have given all sorts of goodies away to various members, and for a variety of reasons.This has not been without controversy though. The T.F. award has been one of the most disputed things that Redlynx have done in some peoples eyes.This T.F. ( TRUE FAN ) was given to players that the dev's' and team considered going above and beyond for the game and for the community.Up to date, there have been just 30 odd given out.Everyone feels as if they deserve it, is the impression iv'e got from the reactions.I was lucky enough to get one, and at first, alot of members that have been around for longer than myself, really disliked this fact.I can totally see why as Trials is very time consuming.It was a truly great time, that was horribly rail roaded by a minority of others. A massive award in terms of being a trials evo' player, but at the cost of many an argument within the forum.I totally am proud to have my T.F.and always will be.For a gaming company to single me out as being a person that goes above and beyond for the good of the game and community is a big deal to me.This would be the same for anyone in my shoes. I will always treasure that moment.
All this said, that is really the only sour inncedent to hit the beloved Trials community. Redlynx have started to give the 'wrench' award to the great builders of tracks that there is.There are more to come as well.To earn this award, its like as Redlynx are saying that your tracks are good enough to be in the game. Im certain the holders of this award feel as proud as what i do.Good luck to them all.
Most members of the community, or trialers as i like to call them, are very decent and gracious people.There is of course the minority that are apart of many forums, that set out to cause trouble.This type of gamer are soon dealt with.If its not other trialers putting them in their place, then the moderators will.If they dont, then the community manager and good friend of mine, the notorious shiftysamurai would soon sort them out in his usual manner.
I have also, in this past year, made so many good friends.I knew a few since HD, but trials EVO brought new people to the forum, and in turn, chances of meeting some good friends.I would say that 80% of the community are age 25+. This suits me, as i am 40 myself. At least i can relate to others, and share similar things in life.Trials being the main one.Just before the first DLC came out, the origins of pain, i spent many a night til stupid o'clock in parties with other trialers having a riot.So many great nights trialing and generally having a laugh.You would be supprised at how a group of over 30's can be once they get together.Just like when the game was released, the DLC brought a massive buzz around the community.It surely was an epic time.The quality of tracks that people made were unbelievable.If you are into trials, then you will know what i mean.I used to ask myself as to how it was possible that these people were making these tracks.The amount of talent in track making that is out there is alot higher than i first thought would be.The numbers are really high.I think it was the fact that due to track central, this feature of the game brought new people to trials alone.In trials HD, you could only share tracks with people on your friends list, but track central is an open sharing system that is with in the game.You build a track, then you share it to anyone that plays Evo. It was a ground breaking feature i thought. A door opener for so many builders that weren't recognised for their talent at all. It was only a matter of time before other people, and especially the community got to know just who these people were.This also attracted these people to join the Forum. Its been a busy period this last year, that's for sure.
To summaries, within 12 months of playing Trials evolution daily,i have built and shared 20+ tracks myself, and i have built up my youtube channel from 7 subscribers to over 100 now.I have also got a dedicated facebook page that i add content to weekly.I started this blogg, and google alike.I also started a twitter account that i use daily to keep in touch with trials friends.I also have my prestegious True Fan award that i will always cherish.I got a Trials Hoodie, and the much sort after Flag.I 'starred ' on a redlynx TV picks episode with another good friend, cannibal shogun who i keep in contact with still. To anyone that plays evo, they will see this as a big deal.Well guys, i do.More a massive deal.I do consider myself lucky, that's for sure.
So, if you see why people play just one game on xbox, and that totally love that game, then this is probably some of the reasons why.I hope to do another 12 months, because there are still a few things i want to earn from Evo, and that i also want to contribute to as well. So, Happy Birthday Redlynx Trials Evo. This has certainly been a mad year, that is going to be part of my legacy in life.Respect to you, and respect to all friends of the game, and community members alike.....
Links to all things Trials related.
.RedLynx Home
RedLynx Forum
Being a massive fan of the game, i joined the Redlynx community and quickly became a fan of there's too.I joined the forum 3 years ago, but its been the last 15 months that i have been using it on a daily basis.The people from the 'community' are very professional, and take the game really seriously.There are many numbers on there that will help you in the drop of a hat.I like to think that I am one of these people.If i can help, i will. With this sort of attitude, it has made the redlynx forum stand out from others.All members of the trials team offer whatever they can too.They have given all sorts of goodies away to various members, and for a variety of reasons.This has not been without controversy though. The T.F. award has been one of the most disputed things that Redlynx have done in some peoples eyes.This T.F. ( TRUE FAN ) was given to players that the dev's' and team considered going above and beyond for the game and for the community.Up to date, there have been just 30 odd given out.Everyone feels as if they deserve it, is the impression iv'e got from the reactions.I was lucky enough to get one, and at first, alot of members that have been around for longer than myself, really disliked this fact.I can totally see why as Trials is very time consuming.It was a truly great time, that was horribly rail roaded by a minority of others. A massive award in terms of being a trials evo' player, but at the cost of many an argument within the forum.I totally am proud to have my T.F.and always will be.For a gaming company to single me out as being a person that goes above and beyond for the good of the game and community is a big deal to me.This would be the same for anyone in my shoes. I will always treasure that moment.
All this said, that is really the only sour inncedent to hit the beloved Trials community. Redlynx have started to give the 'wrench' award to the great builders of tracks that there is.There are more to come as well.To earn this award, its like as Redlynx are saying that your tracks are good enough to be in the game. Im certain the holders of this award feel as proud as what i do.Good luck to them all.
Most members of the community, or trialers as i like to call them, are very decent and gracious people.There is of course the minority that are apart of many forums, that set out to cause trouble.This type of gamer are soon dealt with.If its not other trialers putting them in their place, then the moderators will.If they dont, then the community manager and good friend of mine, the notorious shiftysamurai would soon sort them out in his usual manner.
I have also, in this past year, made so many good friends.I knew a few since HD, but trials EVO brought new people to the forum, and in turn, chances of meeting some good friends.I would say that 80% of the community are age 25+. This suits me, as i am 40 myself. At least i can relate to others, and share similar things in life.Trials being the main one.Just before the first DLC came out, the origins of pain, i spent many a night til stupid o'clock in parties with other trialers having a riot.So many great nights trialing and generally having a laugh.You would be supprised at how a group of over 30's can be once they get together.Just like when the game was released, the DLC brought a massive buzz around the community.It surely was an epic time.The quality of tracks that people made were unbelievable.If you are into trials, then you will know what i mean.I used to ask myself as to how it was possible that these people were making these tracks.The amount of talent in track making that is out there is alot higher than i first thought would be.The numbers are really high.I think it was the fact that due to track central, this feature of the game brought new people to trials alone.In trials HD, you could only share tracks with people on your friends list, but track central is an open sharing system that is with in the game.You build a track, then you share it to anyone that plays Evo. It was a ground breaking feature i thought. A door opener for so many builders that weren't recognised for their talent at all. It was only a matter of time before other people, and especially the community got to know just who these people were.This also attracted these people to join the Forum. Its been a busy period this last year, that's for sure.
To summaries, within 12 months of playing Trials evolution daily,i have built and shared 20+ tracks myself, and i have built up my youtube channel from 7 subscribers to over 100 now.I have also got a dedicated facebook page that i add content to weekly.I started this blogg, and google alike.I also started a twitter account that i use daily to keep in touch with trials friends.I also have my prestegious True Fan award that i will always cherish.I got a Trials Hoodie, and the much sort after Flag.I 'starred ' on a redlynx TV picks episode with another good friend, cannibal shogun who i keep in contact with still. To anyone that plays evo, they will see this as a big deal.Well guys, i do.More a massive deal.I do consider myself lucky, that's for sure.
So, if you see why people play just one game on xbox, and that totally love that game, then this is probably some of the reasons why.I hope to do another 12 months, because there are still a few things i want to earn from Evo, and that i also want to contribute to as well. So, Happy Birthday Redlynx Trials Evo. This has certainly been a mad year, that is going to be part of my legacy in life.Respect to you, and respect to all friends of the game, and community members alike.....
Links to all things Trials related.
.RedLynx Home
RedLynx Forum
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