Germany Trialing...
My friends from Germany.
I thought to myself that there's no way i'm doing a blog on trials evolution, without giving a mention to some great friends, new and old, that are from Germany. As it stands, there are probably 12 or so now that have totally made friends with each other, and brought some really nice track builds to track central. I've known at least 4 of the guys since Trials HD and have had them on my friends list ever since. Always play tracks that iv'e built, and give feedback over this last few years, as have i to them. The forum and the more active members, have a mutual respect for each other. Its all part of the game, and with building especially.I like to think that there;s an unwritten rule between the forum community members.It's like a code of practice.Its down to showing respect for your fellow builders. After all, we all strive for the same things. We love to build, and love to play trials on a daily basis.Some of the German lads have recently teamed up and done some team building tracks. This is where you share 1 account between a certain few. I myself have collaberated on a team account and built a track. It was with the 'sons of trials' team, which is owned by barrybarfly, and Nas T 65 is his kind of partner on the account.Its a great way to learn different techniques when it comes to building because you all bring your strengths to the table.So long as your able to give and take, then it runs sweetly. The teams that have come from my German friends up to date are called :-
- MuttisLieblinge - Trialsprojekt.
One last thing before i end this post is to say a massive well done on your RedLynx pick recently guys, and tons of respect from to you all..Its not a game, Its a way of life.....