Sunday, March 10, 2013

Trials Evo/ Community Competition

     A Vladi Competition.

                      Today marks the last day of a track building competition that was held by a redlynx forum community member ,Vladi..In total,45 tracks have been entered which means in terms of hours spent in the editor from trials evo', must be several hundred. This is a fantastic effort, and by far, up to date,is the biggest building competition ever done on Trials Evoltution. I think that the prizes on offer were very appealling for the builders, and to have such amazing, costly gifts means that Vladi and others alike, are true members devoted to making every ones trials experience, one of the best.Here is whats on offer for the lucky winner(s) of this comp' the C.T.C.

  1. Wins 4000 msp and/or A custom painted xbox controller, or an xbox controller designed by the winner.All this and 1 years xbox live gold.
  2. 1600 msp and the other 1st place rejected gift.
  3. 1600 msp
  4. 800 msp.
                                     There are 3 judges in total. All judges have plenty of trials knowledge and are more than capable to judge fair.All the tracks entered have been recorded, and put on a playlist on youtube..I'm also doing a track montage of every track.I will include track names and gamertags of each track shown. The link below is a direct link to the Redlynx forum, and it is the competition thread..This also includes all links to youtubers, and videos..If you've ever wondered what exactly goes on for a competition like this then check it out...

C.T.C. forum thread

So, my question to you if you havnt heard of trials, or even spoke about this game is, 'Whats all that about ?'

See you at the finish line..................

my youtube videos